With the BrusselArt project, Lasso wanted to promote the cultural participation of groups of adults, with specific attention to adults in vulnerable situations.

The project was embedded in a broad network of cultural organisations and socio-cultural associations, institutions for adult education and organisations from the welfare sector. Lasso supported the exchange and cooperation between these players. Through BrusselArt we aimed to eliminate social and other barriers that adults may experience when wanting to participate in cultural life. The project existed in parallel to the financial threshold reduction that for example the VGC Paspartoe pass works on.

Besides that, Lasso developed communication tailored to those in charge of supervising groups of adults, in order to inform and inspire them. At the same time, we stimulated cultural players to align their offer or adapt it towards organisations working with groups of adults.

For BrusselArt, Lasso collaborated with other supporting organisations, among which Citizenne and the Brussels Ouderen Platform. Lasso was a member of the VGC working group to stimulate the use of the VGC Paspartoe group pass. Other members were the Brussels Platform Armoede, Citizenne, Muntpunt & Publiq. The project ended in 2023.

Past project
Running time